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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - how


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Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use how to ask about the way in which something happens or is done. How do I make payments into my account?... How do you manage to keep the place so tidy?... How are you going to plan for the future? QUEST • How is also a conjunction. I don’t want to know how he died... I didn’t know how to tell you. CONJ 2. You use how after certain adjectives and verbs to introduce a statement or fact, often something that you remember or expect other people to know about. It’s amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years... It’s important to become acutely aware of how your eating ties in with your stress level. CONJ 3. You use how to ask questions about the quantity or degree of something. How much money are we talking about?... How many full-time staff have we got?... How long will you be staying?... How old is your son now?... How fast were you driving?... He was asked how serious the situation had become. QUEST: QUEST much/many, QUEST adj/adv 4. You use how when you are asking someone whether something was successful or enjoyable. How was your trip down to Orlando?... I wonder how Sam got on with him. QUEST 5. You use how to ask about someone’s health or to find out someone’s news. Hi! How are you doing?... How’s Rosie?... How’s the job?... QUEST 6. ‘How do you do’ is a polite way of greeting someone when you meet them for the first time. CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 7. You use how to emphasize the degree to which something is true. I didn’t realize how heavy that shopping was going to be... Franklin told them all how happy he was to be in Britain again. ADV: ADV adj/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You use how in exclamations to emphasize an adjective, adverb, or statement. How strange that something so simple as a walk on the beach could suddenly mean so much... ADV: ADV adj/adv/cl c darkgreen]emphasis 9. You use how in expressions such as ‘How can you...’ and ‘How could you...’ to indicate that you disapprove of what someone has done or that you find it hard to believe. How can you drink so much beer, Luke?... How could he be so indiscreet? QUEST: QUEST can/could c darkgreen]disapproval 10. You use how in expressions such as ‘how about...’ or ‘how would you like...’ when you are making an offer or a suggestion. How about a cup of coffee?... You want Jeannie to make the appointment for you? How about the end of next week?... QUEST 11. If you ask someone ‘How about you?’ you are asking them what they think or want. Well, I enjoyed that. How about you two?... CONVENTION 12. You use how about to introduce a new subject which you think is relevant to the conversation you have been having. Are your products and services competitive? How about marketing? PHRASE: PHR n 13. You ask ‘How come?’ or ‘How so?’ when you are surprised by something and are asking why it happened or was said. (INFORMAL) ‘They don’t say a single word to each other.’—‘How come?’... PHRASE: oft PHR cl
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   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hu; akin to Old High German hwuo ~, Old English hwa who — more at who  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. in what manner or way  b. for what reason ; why  c. with what meaning ; to what effect  d. by what name or title  2. to what degree or extent  3. in what state or condition ~ are you  4. at what price ~ a score of ewes now — Shakespeare  II. conjunction  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the way or manner in which remember ~ they fought; also the state or condition in which  b. that told them ~ he had a situation — Charles Dickens  2. ~ever, as a reader can shift his attention ~ he likes — William Empson  III. noun  Date: 1533  1. a question about manner or method  2. manner, method ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adv., conj., & n. --interrog. adv. 1 by what means, in what way (how do you do it?; tell me how you do it; how could you behave so disgracefully?; but how to bridge the gap?). 2 in what condition, esp. of health (how is the patient?; how do things stand?). 3 a to what extent (how far is it?; how would you like to take my place?; how we laughed!). b to what extent good or well, what ... like (how was the film?; how did they play?). --rel. adv. in whatever way, as (do it how you can). --conj. colloq. that (told us how he'd been in India). --n. the way a thing is done (the how and why of it). Phrases and idioms and how! sl. very much so (chiefly used ironically or intensively). here's how! I drink to your good health. how about 1 would you like (how about a game of chess?). 2 what is to be done about. 3 what is the news about. how are you? 1 what is your state of health? 2 = how do you do? how come? see COME. how do? an informal greeting on being introduced to a stranger. how do you do? a formal greeting. how-do-you-do (or how-d'ye-do) n. (pl. -dos) an awkward situation. how many what number. how much 1 what amount (how much do I owe you?; did not know how much to take). 2 what price (how much is it?). 3 (as interrog.) joc. what? ('She is a hedonist.' 'A how much?'). how now? archaic what is the meaning of this? how so? how can you show that that is so? how's that? 1 what is your opinion or explanation of that? 2 Cricket (said to an umpire) is the batsman out or not? Etymology: OE hu f. WG 2. int. a greeting used by N. American Indians. Etymology: perh. f. Sioux h{aacute}o, Omaha hau ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. разг. способ, метод, образ I should like to know the how of it —- мне бы хотелось узнать, как это делается don't like your hows and whys —- не приставай ко мне со своими "как" и "почему" 2. как?, каким образом? how shall I dress? —- как мне одеться? how do you do it? —- как это делается? how is he? —- как он себя чувствует?; как он? how dare you? —- как вы смеете? how is it?, how comes it? —- как это получается?, почему так выходит? how is it that... —- как случилось, что... how do you like my new suit? —- как тебе нравится мой новый костюм? how do you mean? —- что вы хотите (этим) сказать? 3. сколько?; насколько?; до какой степени? how many people were there? —- сколько там было народу? how old is he? —- сколько ему лет? how far is the town? —- далеко ли до города? how much time did it take you? —- сколько времени ушло у вас на это? 4. простореч. почем?; за сколько? how is milk today? —- почем сегодня молоко? 5. как to know how to behave —- знать, как себя держать you can imagine how angry I was —- вы можете себе представить, как я был зол 6. как! (в восклицательных предложениях) how strange! —- как странно! how absurd! —- до чего нелепо! how kind of you! —- как это любезно с вашей стороны! how like him! —- как это похоже на него! how far away! —- какая даль!, как далеко! how you do like to tease one! —- до чего же вы любите дразнить людей! Id: how much? —- простите?, как вы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adv.  1) inter. как?, каким образом? how did you do it? - как вы это сделали? how comes it?, how is it? coll. - как это получается?, почему так выходит? how so? - как так?  2) inter. сколько? how old is he? - сколько ему лет? how is milk? - сколько стоит молоко?  3) conj. как tell him how to do it - расскажи(те) ему, как это делать ask him how he does it - спроси(те) его, как он это делает  4) emph. как! how funny! - как смешно!; как странно! and how! amer.; coll. - еще бы!; очень даже (часто ирон.) how do you do?, how dye do? - здравствуйте!; как поживаете? how are you? - как поживаете? how about..? - как насчет..? how about going for a walk? - не пойти ли нам погулять? it was a swell party, and how! - вот это была вечеринка! how now? - что это такое?; что это значит?  2. noun coll. способ, метод the how of it - как это делается HOW vexing! какая досада! HOW are you? здравствуйте!, как вы поживаете? HOW provoking! какая досада!, как досадно! HOW wags the world? как дела? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  physiol. abbr. Honest Openness And Willingness mil. abbr. Hell On Wheels univ. abbr. Horde Of Workstations funny abbr. House Of Whack educ. abbr. Honesty Openness Willingness religion abbr. Honesty Openness And Willingness law abbr. Honesty Openmindedness And Willingness conf. abbr. Horse Owners Workshop ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: AND HOW! ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hu, from W.Gmc. *khwo-, from common PIE interrogative pronomial stem. However is M.E.; howbeit (M.E.) is "how be it." How come? for "why?" is recorded from 1848. The Native American greeting is Siouxan (cf. Dakota hao, Omaha hau). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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